Monday, 22 March 2010


Eeeeek! Got all the photos back from my first proper photo shoots, with a full team of crazy people, lights and stylists and cameras galore! Yeah! Scary, these guys actually made me look good :) No photoshop, these shots are 100% what the room looked like, we had smoke machines and lighting rigs. It was the crazyiest location in germany, like an antiques warehouse gone wrong. We were going for a kinda "bohemian-vogue" vibe. Is that even a style? Maybe I should patent it, or make it into a wikipedia article. Maybe it's not even a style at all %) Either way, I'm super happy with these little bad boys, great photos. The first set (above) were taken by Heiko Richard and his team, and the second set (below) were taken by quite a famous german chappie called Kim Frank (who used to be in a little band called Echt)... You can see the rest in these linky-poos: